Auto-Tow Ground Launching
1.1 Safety. 1.2 Auto vs. Winch. 1.3 Ground launching is "circuit" training. 1.4 Low altitude handling. 1.5 Safe Airmanship. 1.5.1 Become Skilled Before Flying Low. 1.5.2 Avoid Trafficked airports. 1.5.3 Plan carefully. Daniel L. Johnson Thanks to Steve Fischer, Minnesota Soaring Association Chief Instructor, for review of this manuscript, and for suggestions, all of which I pondered and many of which I adopted whole. Note: This manuscript is specific to the Blanik L-13, but the general principles will apply to other gliders. The L-13 uniquely has a two- piece ground launch bridle, and I address the management of this bridle specifically... This essay is a summary of what our club learned by ground launching a Blanik L-13 for five seasons. It is the distillation of our experience, it is my own opinion, not instruction. If this adds to your knowledge, I will have accomplished my goals; if you act foolishly, you have only yourself to blame. 1 Why learn to auto launch a glider? (Introductory Essay) 1.1 Safety. Most glider accidents occur in the landing phase of flight. Fatigue and medical factors are often blamed. But after watching hundreds of glider flights involving a few score pilots, it is remarkable that few pilots practice pattern work and landings after certification or checkout. Auto launching is a safe, inexpensive way to practice pattern flying. That's it, plain and simple. Yes, it's fun. Yes, it's a great way to have a party. Yes, it can be thrilling. Yes, a "real" pilot can "get away" from a 1000-foot tow -- ummm, once or twice in a season. But above all other considerations, the autotow ground launch is the most cost-effective way to achieve valuable experience in low-altitude flying. 1.2 Auto vs. Winch Its cost is lower than winch launching, and we have no experience with winches, so we're going to leave that for someone else. The cost is low because the additional cost is small, as someone is likely to already own a powerful truck that they're willing to use, if it's handled respectfully, in a small-scale auto-launch program. So the capital cost has already been made by someone for reasons not related to gliding. The gliding is just one more justification for owning a truck, not that any justification is needed. A winch, on the other hand, is expensive, and becomes "cheap" only when amortized across many glider pilots and many years. It is not useful for trips to the lumberyard or the dump, cannot be used for off-roading, and won't pull a boat and trailer. On the other hand, if you're running a high-volume operation, the winch launch is able to achieve higher altitudes and has a shorter cycle time (delay between launches). Auto towing is inherently safer than winch launching. This does not mean that the actual accident rate is lower, as that is related more to the care with which the operation is conducted and the experience of the operators. Inherently, there's simply less to go wrong in auto-tow launching. For example, the physics of a winch launch are slightly more daunting, as at the top of the climb there may be destructively high loads on the glider's wings that don't exist during the auto tow. The techniques are similar for both, but the acceleration is much greater on a winch launch due to the engine not having to propel the vehicle as well, so the risk of vestibular dysfunction is less with auto launching (See Derek Piggott, Sub-gravity Sensations and Glider Accidents, which you should buy and read). You should also purchase Derek Piggott's Ground Launches, which is exclusively about winch launching, and you should suck up to an old geezer like me and beg to be allowed to read or xerox American Soaring Handbook, Volume 3: Ground Launch by William R. Fuchs and Francis P. Bundy. Their analysis of the forces on the glider's wing at the top of a winch launch, on pages 69-74, is worth studying and thinking about. In case you can't get a copy for yourself, or don't want to read it, here's a precis of section 18: (The link to section 18 is a 1.2MB .jpg file; it will open in a new window; take this into account if you are thinking about clicking on it.) The physics of the operation are thus: The tension on the rope (wire) and therefore the extra lift that must be generated by the wings in a winch launch is equal to the gross weight of the glider times the tangent of the angle between the glider and the wire, which increases to infinity as the angle approaches 90ø. This is because forward speed can be imparted to the glider only with downward tension on the wire. Unless the weak link is carefully chosen and the tension monitored by the winch operator, this force can (and has) broken the wings from gliders, embarrassing the crew and bringing permanent to the grief of the pilot's family and friends. Properly designed winches include transmissions which usually incorporate a pressure compensated hydraulic pump which senses a preset tension on the wire. And home-grown winches don't usually incorporate a fail-safe tension relief. In the auto launch, however, the tow vehicle is not stationary, but is moving at about one half to two thirds of the glider's speed as it reaches the apogee of the tow. The forward speed of the glider is created early in the tow, and the tension on the rope is only that necessary to create lift. An aggressive pilot can, however, pull the back of the truck off the ground if the weak link is too strong, which is undesirable. In my experience, the back wheels are felt to lose traction just before the rope breaks. This is followed by chastisement of the pilot for climbing too aggressively. The ground crew repairs the rope, however, because to force the pilot to do so would punish the pilot next in queue. The winch launch has another danger. The wire is recovered while still in the air (or has just fallen), and is rapidly taken up by the winch operator. Fatalities and severed limbs have occurred when ground crew have inadvertently gotten in the way of the wire after it has fallen. This sort of accident is less likely with auto towing, as the rope simply falls to the ground and lies there until it is retrieved. There is danger, however, from the hardware at the end of the rope, which usually buries itself an inch or two into the ground, and would demolish the cranium of any bystander it happened to strike. And when the rope is dragged back to the launch area, it should not be handled except with a metal hook, and crew should beware of a loop getting around a leg or arm. Better that no one is near the rope or handles it while it is being freed from runway lights, fences, and other nuisances. Auto launching also does not require an aggressive climb out to be useful. This decreases the risk of an accelerated stall during the climb. We are taught to get to a 45ø climb attitude as soon as one has sufficient altitude to recover from a rope break and stall, about 200 ft agl, and sufficient speed to make a stall unlikely. With a short runway and the felt need to attain 1000 ft or more off tow, extremely aggressive climbs can indeed be done with autotow launches. But this is not necessary. A pattern can be flown from as low as 400 ft agl, and rope break practice from any lower altitude. If there's a long runway and a fast tow vehicle, higher speeds and shallower climb angles can be used, with less strain on the tow rope, less risk of an accelerated stall, and less fright to the new pilot or to passengers. 1.3 Ground launching is "circuit" training. The goal of most pilots is to soar, to stay aloft as long as possible, to achieve a distance goal. The approach and landing simply marks the end of a long day, perhaps is a symbol of failure to achieve one's dreams. Anything we do repeatedly, with attention to excellence, results in improvement. This is called "the practice effect" by psychologists. Simply to repeat an action does not cause excellence: mere iteration causes boredom. Iteration with attention to technique and results yields mastery. For the last few years I've attended a cross-country soaring camp. There have been a few damage incidents, nearly all involving landing. There have been more than a few exciting moments, mostly involving landing. One year we facetiously gave out several "diaper awards" to the pilots who most memorably recovered from hair-raising landing situations might have caused those watching to need a diaper. It's been remarkable, especially in view of the dinged glass and the scary bits, that not one pilot at these camps has taken a series of pattern tows just to get used to the field, never mind getting more adept at flying the rental glider. This field has sloping runways and frequent high winds. It is surrounded by mountainous terrain that fosters visual illusions. Much of the flying is done on hot days, and the field elevation is above 5000 ft. msl. There are hazardous areas at the approach ends of the runways. It's a challenging field but not a dangerous one. Yet we've never taken a practice day, a practice session, or seen individual pilots practicing extensively. Is there a connection between our annual incidents and the tendency not to "need" practice pattern work? The autotow ground launch, because it seldom delivers the pilot into lift at a usable altitude, fosters pattern practice and permits the pilot to gain experience and skill in low-altitude maneuvering. This is not intended to help you learn how it feels to make a 500-foot save over unlandable terrain; it is valuable in learning how to feel comfortable piloting a glider when faced with urgent situations while low on approach. This practice is useful in learning to recognize the safe altitude and distance limits during an approach. It is also useful in efficiently teaching pilots to make precision low-energy landings, which is very useful preparation for outlandings. 1.4 Low altitude handling. During emergencies, there may be times when it is necessary to make a turn at very low altitude or to use ground effect to stretch a glide. Deliberately making planned low-altitude maneuvers of this type, and flying in ground effect deliberately and carefully in safe circumstances engenders skills that will be in the pilot's repertoire if needed emergently. Low altitude maneuvering "feels" much different than high-altitude maneuvering. In this sense, "low-altitude" means "below the pivot altitude." Pilots who prepare for their airplane commercial rating must practice making turns about a point. In this maneuver, the airplane is held at the pivot altitude during a turn while the pivot altitude changes from the effects of changing ground speed due to wind. Making a 90ø turn one day at 75 feet AGL gave me a whole new appreciation for what the glider is doing at altitude: it is not tracking on rails; it's a great deal more like a boat, coming around gradually even after it's pointed in the right direction. While thermaling, the glider seems to pivot around its CG, the inside wing sweeping back across the terrain far below. Below the pivot altitude, the wing sweeps forward across the ground; even though the glider may be going slowly, its speed seems fast, and any turn seems extremely wide in comparison to the same turn at altitude. The effect is startling, especially after we've spent three or four hours circling at 4 to 6 thousand agl. This sense of changed motion related to the apparent movement of the wing over the ground is called by perceptual physiologists, the "vection illusion," the illusion of false motion. This illusion is probably the main factor in producing the skid that may end in a spin during the turn from base to final. To diminish the frequency of approach-to-landing accidents, we should conscientiously practice low-altitude turns and maneuvering, under controlled conditions, in a safe environment. This is accomplished most efficiently by auto-tow launching to an altitude of 800 to 1200 ft agl. From this altitude, most gliders can safely make several 360ø turns and still be able to fly an abbreviated pattern before landing. By beginning the approach from various low altitudes and from different spots around the airport area, the pilot learns in a familiar environment the "feeling" of operating close to the ground and of planning and adjusting the pattern. 1.5 Safe Airmanship. It is not inherently dangerous to fly below 1000 ft agl: the laws of physics do not change, and the aerodynamics of the aircraft change only in ground effect, within a wingspan of the ground. But at low altitude, there is little margin for error, and few alternatives, so: 1.5.1 Become Skilled Before Flying Low. The pilot should fly low only after becoming completely comfortable, at altitude, with the glider's handling and with its stall characteristics in straight flight and in coordinated and skidding turns, and skilled in making all types of turns. 1.5.2 Avoid Trafficked airports. The field chosen for practice should be free of conflicting traffic. It should have alternative opportunities to land that are within the glider's limits, such as grass alternate runways, grass over-run areas, landable taxiways, and so on. Use of such areas for emergency practice must be cleared with the airport manager, of course. Quiet rural airports are the only suitable fields for such practice. The best candidates are towns of 5,000 to 20,000 population without air carrier or air taxi service, and with a paved runway about 5,000 ft long with at least 75 ft width between landing lights. If the local gliderport is to be used, the early to mid morning is a wonderful time for this, as the power pilots aren't out of bed yet, and the thermals aren't ready for the hotshot XC pilots. 1.5.3 Plan carefully. Low-altitude maneuvering must be carefully planned, changing only one or two variables at a time: altitude, entry position, pattern route, landing spot, rate of descent, speed, and point of entry into ground effect. Changing only one variable at a time has two benefits: it limits the adjustments you have to make in learning to handle the changed situation and limits the surprises, and it helps you to clearly understand the feeling and significance of each change. Does this mean flying a lot of patterns? Yes, it does. This is another argument in favor of doing auto launching. Copyright © 2000, 2002 Daniel L. Johnson; all rights reserved.