A vision of a brotherhood house.

A men's Christian co-op house for prayer, conversation, hospitality, and service.

We bind ourselves together for a year to be formed as God's men.


We purpose to share a common devotional life. Specifically, we commit to joining one another in daily common prayer. We purpose to worship and seek God together. We seek to practice spiritual disciplines modeled and enjoined in scripture, such as reading, meditation, and fasting.


We seek to be a learning community in which our spiritual, academic, and social lives are properly integrated and coupled. A house of study and conversation. A community of discipleship, in which we open ourselves to one another to give and receive wisdom, knowledge, and personal formation.


We seek to be a house of hospitality, hosting guests and functions/events. We want to invite others to experience our Christian fellowship. This includes hosting visitors and can include residents who live with us for a definite period of time in order to experience our life together and who participate in the ordering of the house at a level appropriate to their level of commitment to its purposes.


We seek to fulfill our calling to serve God and the world around us through shared community involvement. We wish to support one another in our service in the world, and we look for appropriate opportunities to pair up and team up in specific community efforts. We seek to carry out God's mandate to create culture and shape and order our environment.