We want to solve
∂tu + Div(f) = s.
Multiply by a test function p and integrate by parts over a mesh cell:
∂t(∫ u*p) + ∫∂(n•f*p) = ∫(f•∇ p) + ∫(s*p)
Restrict p to N-th order polynomials. Then we have an exact unclosed system of equations for the coefficients of the Taylor expansion of u out to order N. Replacing f with a numerical flux function F (and specifying a numerical integration rule, which can be viewed as part of specifying F if we project F onto the subspace for which the numerical integration rule is exact) and likewise replacing s with a numerical source term S gives a closed system:
∂t(∫ u*p) + ∫∂(n•F*p) = ∫(F•∇ p) + ∫(S*p).
We seek conditions to ensure that the error is order M:=(N+1), i.e. the maximal order of accuracy that the representation space of the solution is capable of.
A k-point integration rule (Gaussian Quadrature) is needed to exactly integrate one-dimensional polynomials of order 2*k-1. That is, to exactly integrate a one-dimensional polynomial of order κ you need an integration rule with ceiling((κ+1)/2) many points. If we use a tensor product integration rule for a rectangular cell with n dimensions then we need M^n points.
Taking F to be an N-th order polynomial (projection), to exactly integrate each term in a cartesian mesh cell in n-dimensional space we need
term order of integrand number of points needed ============ ================== ======================= ∫∂(n•F*p) 2N (N+1)n-1 ∫(F•∇ p) 2N-1 Nn ∫(S*p) 2N (N+1)nThis number of points is in general necessary, since the number of weights plus points equals the number of coefficients of the polynomial basis in each case.