Equations for a two-fluid ten-moment extended MHD model (see discussion of naming plasma models below) are:
continuity: n,t + ∇•(n*u) = 0; where n = ni = ne = particle density and u = bulk fluid velocity, conservation of momentum: (ρ*u),t + ∇•(ρ*u⊗u+P) = J × B or (ρ*u),t + ∇•(ρ*u⊗u+P) + ∇•(I⊗B•B/2-B⊗B)/μ0 = 0; where ρ = m*n is mass density, m = mi + me is sum of particle masses, P = Pi + Pe is total pressure tensor, B = magnetic field, μ0 = magnetic permeability, pressure tensor evolution for each species: Ps,t + ∇•(us⊗Ps) + 2*Sym(Ps•∇ us) + ∇•(heat_fluxs) = (qs/ms)Sym(Ps × B) + (ps*I - Ps)/τs, + resistive_heatings + thermal_equilibrations where ,t denotes partial derivative with respect to time, * denotes (possibly tensor) product, ⊗ denotes tensor product, × denotes cross product, Sym denotes symmetrization of its argument tensor, I is the identity tensor, Ps is the species pressure tensor ms is particle mass, us := u + ws is species bulk velocity, ws = J*μ/(ms*qs*n) is species drift velocity, qs = is particle charge, qi = e is charge on a proton, qe = -e is charge on an electron, n = ni = ne is species particle density, J = ∇×(B)/μ0 is the current according to Ampere's law, τs = τ0*sqrt(ms))*Ts(3/2)ns is a Braginskii-type closure for the isotropization period, μs = τs* ps is the viscosity (in the five-moment Hall MHD model, which asymptotically agrees with the ten-moment model on time scales longer than the isotropization period), τ0 = 3*(2*π)(3/2)*(ε0/e2)2/ln(Λ), ε0 = permittivity of free space, ln(Λ) = Coulomb logarithm, Ts = ps/ns is the temperature, ps = trace(Ps)/3 is the scalar pressure, resistive_heatingi = 2*(mi/m)*η*n2*wi•(a//-a⊥)I⊗wi+a⊥*wi⊗I) (where a// and a⊥ specify allocation of frictional heating among parallel and perpendicular modes ...[not done]), thermal_equilibrationi = K*n2(Te-Ti), thermal_equilibratione = -thermal_equilibrationi, (where K is ...[not done]), Ts = Ps/ns is temperature tensor, heat_fluxs is the species heat flux tensor (third-order, see below); induction equation: B,t + ∇×(E) = 0, where the electric field E is given by Ohm's law: E = η*J + B×u + hallTerm + pressureTerm + inertialTerm where η = resistivity = μ/(e2n*τslowing), where τslowing = .51*τ0*(Ti/mi+Te/me)(3/2)*μ2/n, hallTerm = J×B*dm/(m*e*n), pressureTerm = ∇•(me*Pi - mi*Pe)/(m*e*n), inertialTerm = (J,t+∇•(u⊗J + J⊗u - J⊗J*dm/(m*e*n)))*μ/(e2*n), where m = mi + me = total particle mass, dm = mi - me = particle mass difference, μ = mi*me/m = reduced particle mass. Alternate expressions manifestly symmetric among species are -dm/(m*e) = μ/(qi*mi) + μ/(qe*me) An entropy-respecting closure for the third-order heat flux tensor is heat_fluxs = a1*3*Sym(∇ (Ts-1)), where Ts-1 = inverse of temperature tensor, a1= (2/5)κs*Ts2, κs = species heat conductivity, and the Braginskii closure gives κs = 3.91*ps*τs/ms. Note that for heat flux to preserve positivity the temperature used in the Braginskii relations for τs and a1 should be taken as Ts := 3√(det( Ts)) (the geometric average of the eigenvalues of the temperature tensor) rather than Ts = (tr( Ts))/3 (the arithmetic average of the eigenvalues of the temperature tensor) Using the 5-moment heat flux instead of heat_flux can violate entropy and can make the pressure tensor cease to be positive-definite.
There is some difficulty in how to name plasma fluid models. I am a tad uncomfortable with the name "ten-moment two-fluid extended MHD". It is not exactly ten moments. It evolves a total density (1 moment), total momentum (3 moments), ion pressure tensor (6 moments), and electron pressure tensor (6 moments). So it is ten moments in the sense that ten moments are involved in the description of each fluid. Naming two-species plasma models by the number of moments is problematic because there are two species; also, in this case there are four moments "in common".
"Two-fluid" is also a problematic term. A fully two-fluid model has separate evolution equations for mass, momentum, and energy of each species. The "two-fluid MHD" model described here has separate evolution equations only for the temperature.
Another possibly problematic term is "MHD". I use MHD to indicate that Ohm's law is used rather than evolving the electric field and that quasineutrality is assumed. (In my thinking "magneto-" suggests that the magnetic, not the electrical field, is evolved, and "hydro" suggests that a total fluid density and velocity are evolved.) To indicate the type of Ohm's law assumed, I use "ideal MHD", "resistive MHD", and "Hall MHD". I sometimes speak of "resistive Hall MHD" or "ideal Hall MHD" (because there is still a flux-transporting flow, approximately the electron velocity). I use "extended MHD" vaguely to refer to more than resistive MHD. So I use "two-fluid MHD" to refer to two-temperature one-fluid plasma. A few people have used "Two-fluid MHD" to refer to the fully two-fluid-Maxwell model (i.e. separate evolution equations for each fluid and the full Maxwell equations), but everyone else seems to use "two-fluid MHD" to mean a "two-temperature one-fluid Ohm's law" plasma model.