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This is part 2 of Hannington's report based on his visit to St. Augustine Community Love (SACL) from 4th to 11th January 2012.

Mr. Ocaki Samuel is one of three co-founders of SACL and is currently Vice Chairman of its Board of Directors.


On the 7th January 2012 I met with Ochaki Samuel who is an ordinary member of SACL at his home to talk about a few things concerning st Augustine community love project.

I must say I had a great time with him, because he was so warm and jolly. He gave me a brief history of SACL.

He told me that initially there had been a programme that had been designed to do almost the same kind of work like SACL before and it was by the name of st Joseph foundation of whish Joshua Anyarwachi him self was beneficiary. It used to operate in 1990's but because of un- foreseen circumstance to be precise so St. Joseph foundation closed down.

As time went on when hope of having something like St. Joseph foundation was fading, Mr. Ochaki together with Chwinyari Lawrence now the chairman of the board and Joshua sat down to work out ways on how they could start up anew thing for the community that would help like St. Joseph foundation used to do, hence the birth of St. Augustine's community love project (SACL) programme in 2004.

The main objectives of starting (SACL)

Mr. Ochaki Samuel says the main agenda for starting up St Augustine community love programme (SACL) were mainly because of the points started below.
  • To provide safe water for home consumption
  • To help the disadvantaged children go to school in other wards to provide education for disadvantaged.
  • To improve on malnutrition as many kids in the community were malnourished.
  • To improve on the food security in the community because of the variance in the weather of the area.
  • To provide modified seeds for example Irish potatoes, soya beans, beans, and seedlings for planting trees for example Eucalyptus.
  • To improve on the housing in the community
  • To give psychosocial support to the orphans.
  • SACL had to start up some income generating activities as pointed out below.

    They thought it good to keep goats, because they are easy to look after. Each time the goat gives birth the off springs would be distributed to members of (SACL) in the community who would in turn give one off spring back to the SACL.

    They also bought some land for doing commercial farming so as to get some income that would be used to buy scholastic materials plus pay school fees for the disadvantaged.

    Some Achievements made by SACL so far;

    Mr. Ochaki also noted some key challenges SACL is facing

    These are some of the key challenges that SACL is facing as told by Mr. Ochaki Samuel.

    Mr. Ochaki Samuel as an advisor and ordinary member on the board of SACL added that he had plans of doing some of the following things below.

    Concerning the Board Elected;

    The board was elected and after every two years elections take place.

    The electorate;

    The electorates that are people who elect the board are members of SACL.

    Qualifications of some one to be elected as a board member;
    Some one to be qualified as a board member he or she must be hard working and devoted.