A Vision of a Christian school
Ideas for a Christian school
(needs more thought and input)
+ models in my experience
  - my experience at Trinity School River Ridge, which formed my core vision.  
+ other models
  - Berea College (North Carolina)
- Christian faculty
- students not required to be Christian,
  but required to conform to basic Christian moral boundaries.
+ economics
  - potential for being economically self-supporting
    and for involvement with the surrounding community
    - students helping to provide educational and social services
    - students can learn basic skills, apply them to basic needs,
      and explore occupational interests.
    - manufacturing facility
      - prototype manufacturing
        - opportunity to implement entrepreneurial ideas
          of students and teachers.
        - could provide employment opportunities for surrounding
+ model of education:
  - goal: to bring people to a certain level of knowledge and ability
  - a strong emphasis on learning by reading, conversing, and doing
    - where a central objective is to improve our ability to
      have truly worthwhile conversation.  Trinity Schools vision:
      to foster high-quality faculty conversation, and to draw students
      into the cultural life of the faculty.
    - where inquiry is motivated by questions and goals
    - built on reading good books
  - a set of interwoven mentoring/tutoring hierarchies
  - a community of learners
  - assessment would emphasize progress rather than rank.
+ curriculum
  - a Christian classical curriculum
    - humane letters (history, literature, philosophy, theology)
    - fine arts (music, art, theater)
    - quantitative sciences (math, physics, chemistry, biology)
      math curriculum details