Michael K. Johnson's Home Page
- What I do: keep too many irons in the fire... That means that this is
nowhere near a complete list.
- I am Director of Enginering at
Pendo.io, leading our
platform and performance team.
- I was a software developer and architect at
I introduced Git into the production software process,
helped set REST API standards, defined new processes for
managing XML representations, improved data representation
for efficient transport, improved data security, and was a
Linux and Open Source expert resource.
- I was a founding engineer at
rPath, Inc., where I was
responsible for rPath Linux and a co-inventor of Conary and
related tools.
- I was an operating system developer for Red Hat,
working on Red Hat Linux. I managed the kernel team for
about three and a half years, and I was the founding technical
leader of Red Hat's Fedora Project.
- I wrote (and use...) serial-port monitoring software
called ttywatch
which has a small but appreciative following.
- I once wrote a program called vlock, initially as a demonstration
of Linux virtual console locking, which is now
by Frank Benkstein.
- I wrote the original
procps suite of /proc-using utilities (which includes ps).
- I wrote the original UMAX scanner driver
on which the SANE
driver for UMAX scanners is based.
- I have worked on the GNOME project,
mainly as a developer.
- I occasionally teach conference courses, most commonly giving
full-day tutorial sessions on material related to the core content
of Linux Application Development.
- Linux Application Development
For over a year and a half, I spent most of my spare moments
slaving away, torturing my co-author Erik Troan, building a detailed
and careful
tutorial, guide, and reference for programming on Linux.
- Flying!
I'm an instrument-rated private pilot.
- My first Linux box...
- More Books!
I used to scan in public-domain books and put
them here when I had time. Quite a few of the books I scanned in
are also available in the excellent
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
hosted by Calvin College. The CCEL
is an indispensible resource. Thanks much to Harry Plantinga for maintaining
it so faithfully.
Another good collection of on-line books, including instructions on
how you can contribute new on-line books, is at
The On-Line Books Page.
Many of George MacDonald's books are available on-line, and all of
them in print in hand-bound editions, at
If you are looking for on-line music, try
Virtual Sheet Music,
Werner Icking Music Archive, and
sites listed in the Open Directory project's public domain downloadable
music sheets listing.
- Faith
Yes, as my appreciation of the CCEL may indicate, I'm a
- Images and writings
Slashdot-free since 17 December, 2001.