Chicken of the Woods - Laetiphorus Sulphureus
An edible summer mushroom growing on dead or living oaks.
July 2002, Menomonie, WI
Contax 645 80mm 1/45 sec f4.0
Kodak Portra 400NC
Created with The GIMP

I can't indentify this flower...
Image late June/Early July 2002
Menomonie WI
Contax 645 1/1400 sec f4.0 80mm
Kodak Portra 400 NC
Created with The GIMP

Wild geranium among ferns

Wild geranium standing up for its portrait.

The red fruit of the jack-in-the-pulpit.P

Wild lily.P

Morel mushroom

Blazing Star

Sprouting plants in spring.

Trillium grandiflorium.

A white pine was struck by lightning circa 1992; in 1993 to top blew off in a 50-mile-an-hour wind because the trunk had split from the lightning strike. During the winter of 2004-5, the bole fell across the path, probably from root rot.

Apple blossom

Chokecherry blossoms.

Ummm... some kind of shrub with a white flower.

Unidentified white flower

Pussyfoot, or cat's foot, flowers..

Wild strawberry.

The buds are fringed in red that fades as the flower opens.

This is a feral apple blossom, probably a crabapple.

The grass stems are big bluestem; the fawn is a white tail deer.

The new fawn, frozen instinctively, poses.

False Solomon's Seal.

This is why some folks don't like beaver much. A fine, massive old oak tree has been girdled by a beaver in the course of two winters.

Fallen log, sky reflected in pond.

A birch stump at water's edge.

The floret of Pennsylvania Sedge.

The leaves are infested, but it's lovely.

I *think* this is a plum tree.

White pines and birch at pond's edge.

Red maple. The seeds develop before it leafs out.

Woodland violet, up close and personal.

This is most likely a wild parsley, possible Prairie Parsley, polytaenia muttalli.

Fungus on rotting oak.

Skunk cabbage, simplocarpus foetidus. the bloom is at the foot of the plant, the dark cup with the medieval club within..

Canadian Violet, Viola canadensis

A little woodland fern rests against an old log.

I don't know what tree this is. The little cones are cute.

Mystery flower.

Dutchman's breeches.

White Trillium, trillium grandiflorium

Yellow violet.

Fiddleheads -- blowing in the wind...

Bellwort with chilled bee.


A cinnamon fern unfurls.

All photographs are copyright © Daniel L. Johnson; all rights reserved. Photos may be copied and disseminated only without charge, and with attribution.