Salty Food Creates a Water Deficit
- Campbell's Tomato Juice has 1010 mg of Sodium per cup. (This is volume, not hydration.)
- Blood has about 850 mg per cup.
- So... You have to drink an extra half-cup of water to balance off the extra salt in the tomato juice
- 1.5 pounds of volume gained, no hydration value
- Increases your necessary fluid intake.
- It takes 3 days to excrete the extra salt...
- causing a "saline diuresis" that takes away water...
- Hot dogs, bologna, and sandwich meats have about 1000 mg salt per serving also...
- Increases water deficit by ~1 cup per serving
- If taken with water, does replace volume
I haven't been able to find out what sweat salt excretion patterns are in the person on a low-sodium, high-potassium diet (such as is characteristic of aboriginals). It would be nice to know this for both acclimatized and non-acclimatized individuals.